Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hypocrites. The subject of today's rant. I don't think I'm going out on a limb here when I say that hypocrites are members of society that everyone generally despises. What's to like? They're individuals who go around sowing seeds of slander and suffering whilst going about doing whatever they please. Assholes.

Now I understand it's near impossible to not form an opinion of others. It's as natural as breathing though under the spiritual counseling of Sarah Ingier I have tried to take the approach of having a preference rather than making a judgement. For example, "I would prefer that a certain friend not have stolen my Heart of the Ocean." Not "If I ever find out who stole my Heart of the Ocean I'm going to kill that lying, stealing motherfucker and send them straight to Hell where they belong." Though that may be a more exciting and interesting approach it's not neccesarily the most healthy. So, do not think that I expect people to not form an opinion of others. However, they can sure as hell keep their mouth shut and look to their own business. There are exceptions to this but they involve looking to yourself first.

An example to illustrate my point. One of my exes' girlfriends once told my friend that I was a slut and she assumed this because of how I dressed. Well, of course being a good friend he immediately told her to shut her mouth and that I wasn't a slut. I didn't confront her on this because I know she doesn't know me very well and personally I have bigger fish to fry and God only knows the lies my ex has told her. However, today I was informed by a friend that this girl who had the nerve to call me a slut has a certain recreational activity that involves her going up to guys at parties and saying, "I don't want anything to come of this. I just want to suck you off." And she recently left my ex for another man (which can't say that I blame her there) but here's the kicker- she's not just having sex with this guy, she's having a threesome with him and some other chick. And I'm the whore? Um...WHAT!?!?! (See title) What right has a constant cock sucking, threesome-having individual have to call me a whore just because I like to dress a certain way? I've said this in rants before and I'll say it again: I've only ever kissed 6 guys in my entire life so you can imagine how low the number is concerning other things if I'm that picky who I kiss. Furthermore, if you're a girl and you're going to have a threesome make it two guys and Eiffel Tower away. I mean, if you're going to participate in such a scandalous act do it right. Then again, I can see where it would be nice to have someone in the bedroom for once, besides yourself, that can find the clitoris. But I can't see the appeal two women would have for a man. Now instead of one disatisfied woman he can have two. But I guess that's what the extra girl is there for. To do what most men are completely useless at- giving a woman pleasure.

I'm not entirely certain what the point of this rant is except to say don't be like that bitch. Don't be a little hypocrital cunt. Wait. Excuse me. Prefer, April. Don't judge. *deep breath* I would prefer that you not be a hypocritical cunt. There. Better. Sarah would be so proud.


  1. I've only seen or heard of an unsatisfied woman by proxy. Never have I experienced one before. Unimpressed, maybe, but not unsatisfied.

    And the attraction of two women is four breasts. Simple maths. Men who don't/can't satisfy women don't try to and are in it for themselves.

    I, for one, don't like the idea of an Eiffel Tower or spit-roast because I am adverse to the idea of climaxing while holding another man's hand or seeing his chest. If I liked that kind of thing, I think I'd just be gay.

  2. Oh, and the whole thing about not judging people is marlarky; if you don't judge, how can you prefer one person over another? Surely there is judgment there. Like Jesus said, judge not lest you be judged.

    I like me. I am willing to be judged on who I am and I don't fear that judgment. In fact, I wish to be judged so if I'm found wanting then I can improve myself. Therefore, I will judge. It's empowering :D

  3. "Unimpressed maybe, but not unsatisfied" Again you have made me laugh out loud with your way of phrasing things. And four breasts? You only have two hands, dude! lol I think most men just like the idea of two girls getting it on with each other right in front of them. Which is totally understable. I'm not too good to watch two hot guys make out and go, "Oooooooh. Yay!"

    And again this essay was partially for artistic purposes. I've met men who could satisfy me pretty good. One that could satisfy me damn good. I've only ever met one that was complete rubbish (of course I didn't go very far with him at all so maybe this is an unfair judgement but...).

    And the judging thing, I think what Sarah means is that people shouldn't get their panties in a wod by "judging." Prefering is a lot less hostile. It's not a different act but it has a different result. One results in anger and negative energy. The other results in a cool, calm, and collected decision.

    Whether or not I'll ever be able to do that...well, that's another story. From my blog alone one can tell I am a passionate person with strong opinions. So, we'll see how my spiritual journey of postive energy manifestation goes.

  4. And you don't want to hold another guy's hand while you climax? Why not? What if you two are best-friends? I think it'd be sweet. You two could have a moment to treasure forever. ; )
